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During the coaching session, we had to think of our best five qualities and one quality that you would like to develop.

It is important to know where your qualities are and which qualities need some development in order to make some progress and help other people with your strengths. I chose the blow qualities with an look at my personal development plan and my ambitions. In the core quality quadrants you can find an further explanation of the two best qualities.

  1. Ambitious
  2. Helpfulness
  3. Energetic
  4. Hardworking
  5. Organized

The quality that I would like to develop: Self-assurance.

One of my core qualities is ambitious. I have the desire to be successful and help people in this world. I am ambitious because I know what I want for the future and want to do a lot of things. For example, at this moment I have three jobs, and working really hard. I want to learn a lot and make my dreams come true. One of my particular goals is inspiring people to move and help children to move.

One of my core qualities is helpfulness. I always want to help people. From family, friend and classmates to unknown people. I want to be useful in my live and help other people with some difficulties. If people are having problems, I want to help them if I can. From helping my mother and father with doing things in house, but also helping my classmates with things they are struggling with. For example the classmates from outside Groningen, I help with finding things in Groningen and make them feel comfortable in the city.

One of my other qualities is the fact that I am energetic. I am always ready for action, either physical of mental. For example, I like to play sport games, but also board games. That’s just one small example. Because I have a lot of energy I do a lot of things during my day. I always have energy to work out, or just doing things with my family or friend.

One of my other qualities is the fact that I am a hardworking person. I like things to be done, and do my best to always help others when I am done with my own work or when I have some free time. I have three different jobs at this moment, and all of them are jobs where I can learn (or already learned) a lot from. I am not a person who can sit on the couch all day and do nothing. And the end of the days, I am really unhappy with myself and feel useless. I actually don’t matter what kind of job or work it is that I am doing.

The last quality from the five qualities is the fact that I am organized and good in organizing my stuff. I am never late for appointments and I have things done on time. I can organized my schedule really good, something I learned from my mother when I started at the middle school. My agenda is really large so that I can write in it what I want. But I am also organized in the way of dealing with my stuff. My room is never messy and I know where to leave everything so that I can find it back soon. For example my laptop is organized in different kind of folders where I can put in my documents etc.

Something I have to work on is my self-assurance. You can also see this point at my learning goals in my Personal Development Plan. In this study, and later on in the professional work space I have to be more self-assured. I don’t know where it came from, but since the middle school I am always doubting about myself and if  I am doing something right or wrong. For example in the first block with the exams, I thought that I had many questions wrong because I couldn’t look back on them because of the fact that it was an online exam. Normally I check everything twice, so this was really hard for me. But when the results came back, I knew that I have to trust on my own knowledge and skills, instead of always doubting about myself. I already started on working on my self-assurance. When I give presentations I am always well prepared and know what to say. The fact that I know what I am going to say, gives me less pressure when I am presenting.  I also think that the fact that I am really critical about myself (second learning goal), doesn’t help the fact of being self-assured. So I also have to work on how critical I am to make it more easy to work on my self-assurance. I experienced by reading books, that it will take time to change my self-assurance but when I am working on it my process will go on.