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When I look at myself, I can see a really sportif person. I started swimming when I was 1 year old.

Sport and hobby’s

In the Netherlands it is mandatory to achieve swimming diplomas A & B, but I received 19 swimming diplomas. I had to quit swimming because I had no time anymore and because of my age I couldn’t receive any more swimming diplomas.

I started playing hockey when I was 4. I was influenced by my sister because she was also playing field-hockey and I really liked here story’s about the sport. When I was 3 years old I had my first experience with ice-skating. A typical Dutch sport, and when the winter was good, you could find my on the ice.

Nowadays I mostly play competitive sports or lifestyle sports. I really like the adrenaline and experiences you get from this kind of sports. As an athlete I am really passionate about what I do and give everything when I am sporting. That’s why I am very sensitive for injury’s, because sometimes I gave to much…

Last year I got a really bad knee injury so I had to revalidate for a long period after my surgery. That was the part where I fall in love with the health-orientated sports, because I had to revalidate in the gym for more than 6 months. I figured out the part of why this kind of sports is so important for our community. For example people with disabilities who get the opportunity to sport with an personal trainer to become more fit.

But there are a lot of other things in sports that I am interested in. You can find a document about my personal and environmental system and my history in the world of sports. When I am not playing any sports, I do a lot of other things and I have a lot of other hobby’s. For example reading, travelling, making photographs, being creative and playing board games.



My personal ambition is to become someone in this world who helps other people and have a positive influence on the world. I want to work myself up to a high function at the KNHB or NOC*NSF. In this companies, I want to make a difference and help the persons who are having problems with sporting but also helping persons to become a better version of themselves. As a future sports professional I want to be an example for children and to be their inspiration. I want to get people moving and show that I am passionate about what I do. I want more children to get to know different sports. In this times of corona children move not enough. I’m very inspired of the Cruyff court. My dream job is to become a sport manager at the NOC*NSF and take part at the TeamNL for the Olympic games.