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Core quality quadrant

 The explanation of my core quality quadrants. Two of my main qualities are the fact that I am very ambitious and my helpfulness. 

Ambition core Quality Quadrant


Further explanation:

My core quality is ambitious. I am ambitious because I have a lot of things I want to do in the future and have a lot of dreams that I want to make come true. But also I am a hard worker and want to do a lot of things at the same time. Sometimes I want to do to many thing at the same time and become impatience about fulfilling these things. So my challenge is to become more patience. I have a lot of time to learn new things and I don’t have to rush into things. Because when I am doing something I want to do it good. So patience is the thing I need to actually succeed in what I do. An example of that is the essay I have to write for Sport & ethics. I wanted to do it so good that I started writing over and over. But actually that didn’t work because I wasn’t able to put the words on paper that I had in my mind. I needed more patience to give me some time to think about what I want and after that the result would be better. My allergy is passivity. I hate it when people are waiting and waiting before they start working on something. You live here and now and in my opinion people should be doing what they like to do, but waiting for work or something else to come to you is not going to help you in this world. In my opinion, the combination of ambitions and patience is a great combination to succeed in this world because you have ambitions but you know you can take time to fulfil these ambitions. In that way you can get a greater result than doing everything within a rush.

Helpfulness core Quality Quadrant


Further explanation:

My core quality is helpfulness. I always like to help people be productive in what I can do for others. But sometimes when I am helping someone, I want to help them to much and I can get meddlesomeness. That’s actually not what I want to achieve when I am helping someone so I have to know when my help is already good enough. I don’t want to take work from others, but sometimes that happens. I have to let people independence in the thing they are doing and make sure that I don’t help to much. But the allergy form me is that when you let people do their own thing, for example in group projects and you forget to ask people about things and just do you own work, people may think that you are detaching from them. And that’s the opposite of what I want to show people.