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Extra activities

This chapter describes all the activities that I did outside of the internship organisation, that all have a connection with my professional identity. 

Honours: Stichting Sporttalent Noord

Through Honours I came into contact with Stichting Sporttalent Noord. The first contact was in February 2022, after which I performed my Honours Lab 2 for the foundation. Actually even then it became clear that I would be appointed as 'aanjager' of the foundation, which I officially started on September 1, 2022. The press conference was held at the end of October 2022, in which an explanation was given about the name change and the future plans of the foundation. My activities and tasks within the foundation have given me the opportunity to expand my network enormously in the past year. For example, I was present at a meeting with Minister Helder from the VWS. In addition, the goals and ideas within the foundation are something that I feel very passionate about.  


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Honours: Impact handbook Eredivisie CV

One of the projects that I worked one during the whole year, was a collaboration with the Eredivisie CV, the Univisity of Utrecht and another student from the Hanze (Stefan Mekking). Together with Stefan I went to the Eredivisie in Zeist for an interview. During this interview it emerged that from my point of view a huge improvement can be made in the field of impact measurement, if this can be made a little easier for clubs. This could be based on a manual for the Upshot monitoring system. Together we decided at that time that we would start a collaboration to develop a handbook. At the moment (early June 2023) the handbook is ready in concept and is being tested by various Eredivisie clubs. After this test period, a month has been scheduled (September 2023) to dot the i's and cross the t's before the manual can go to the printer. This collaboration has given me the opportunity to complete my last Honours Challenge, and also given the stage to work on a first (small) publication.


For more information about my Honours program: Honours Challenge

Hanze projects

In recent years I have been very active as a student with regard to various points with the aim of putting the program on the map as well as possible and informing other students within the institute. The various actions have resulted in very good contact with the teachers within the course, which in my opinion has contributed to the continuation of my course. I am naturally very willing to help and take an exera step where necessary. I would add that the various extra activities within the Hanze have been very successful. I have done the following things in recent years: 

  • Group Contact Person 
  • Whatsapp Contact Person 
  • Present at open days
  • Interview for the new brochures/websites
  • Assistent during introduction weeks
  • Organisation of the Winterschool 2023 


Community of Learners 'Kracht van Voetbal'

The Magazine ‘Kracht van Voetbal’ project was created by Sport Studies and Sportkunde students who were working within different (football)clubs. The aim of this magazine was to raise awareness about the IWP ‘Kracht van Voetbal’ with the goal to inspire students about this IWP. The students created a magazine that allowed them to share personal stories, information about different subjects and stories from students who started within the IWP and are now working as professionals withing a professional football club. For awareness creation purposes, the students were present at the IWP market to answer questions about the IWP and present the magazine.


Winterschool 2023

This year, I was in the organisation of the Winterschool of 2023. The reason for this, is that I joined the winterschool a year earlier for my own program. I had an amazing week, but I also saw that there was a lot that could be improved, with the main focus on the connection between the Sport Studies program and the Sportkunde program. Besides that, organising the winterschool gave me the opportunity to organise such a week. Something that I always wanted before. Within the organisation, I was mainly in the lead of the communication and the overall tasks that needed to be done. I had a really great week, also because of the reason that I saw that a lot of students were having a really nice time. During the week, there were some problems, but overall we (as organisation) managed to solve all these problems. With event management its all about that you learn to be strict, and have a really good planning. 




Trainer/coach HC de Hondsrug

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