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PLO 11.1

Learning outcome 11.1:
The student develops sportsmanship and a professional attitude through reflection and critical monitoring of developments in the field as a knowledge worker.

It is August 2020 when I started this study. The Netherlands just came out of the summer vacation and we were still in the COVID-19 period. In addition, the start of a new season as head coach of the youngest youth at HC de Hondsrug. For this season it is again my job to guide a number of trainers in their process as a trainer. I make schedules for them, I guide them during the training and I reflect their actions together with them. It is important here that I serve as an example for them. So I have to take into account how I dress, how I behave towards the children, parents and themselves. I have noticed that the behaviour that I show has an effect on their behaviour and that they copy the behaviour of me.

I learned how to behave on a field during the HT2 course that I completed in the summer of 2017. Together with other knowledge, that I can use for training and coaching in hockey and in other sports. An explanation of this can be found under 'burden of proof plo 11.1'. In addition, I have of course inherited a large part of how I should behave as a person from my parents. But also by reading  literature, as included in the burden of proof, I know how to act pedagogically correct and how to approach children in a good way. The result of this combination has ensured that my personal attitude on the field can transfer well to the trainers and coaches and that I am aware that I am an example for them. Evidence of my professional behaviour can be found under 'burden of proof PLO 11.1 - Professional attitude'.

When I look at my professional attitude, I can say that I know how to behave professionally. So one of the points is how I behave as an example, but one of my qualities is that I am very organized. This shows that I know what I am doing and that things will always be in order. From arriving on time to always having all the materials with me. This contributes to the fact that I actually never create chaos, which is important, because you would rather not have that on the workplace.

At the beginning of the first block, I was a bit hesitant about how online education could help me develop and how it would all work out. For example, the online classes were new to me, along with organizing an online event, an online sports class and so on. When I look back at the letter of motivation I wrote for my admission to this study, I can quote a sentence that is very applicable: 'I would be challenged enough and get a large international network. My social skills will improve tremendously and will enrich me with enough knowledge.' The challenges were with organizing an online sports event, my international network has grown enormously in these first months with all teachers and fellow students, my social skills have grown by making new friends in an online environment and my knowledge is also increased considerably by following the study.

Take the online event that I organized together with two classmates as an example. I never expected to organize an online event, let alone a yoga event. That was exactly what made it interesting. Rather than taking the lead in an event, this time I was the person who was following and kept an eye on everything. The result of the event was great, many motivated people and new insights into the world of yoga, a sport I had never practiced before.

In addition, for Sport & Technical Framework, I was able to apply my own knowledge that I received during the BSM (moving, sports and society) course at secondary school. Take as an example making a lesson plan, which we had to execute for Sport & Techinical Framework. I have done this very often for BSM, so I could apply that knowledge during the Sport & Technical Framework course.

So I owe most of my developments as a knowledge worker to the experiences I am gaining. As can be read in the second heading above, I also use literature and different courses to increase my knowledge. This helps me to act professionally and to give me the knowledge I can use when I teach other people some things. At the moment I try to make as many connections as possible with other sports professionals via my LinkedIn in order to show myself to certain organizations in this way. The knowledge that I also acquire during this study helps me to develop as a sports professional and is knowledge that I can already apply in certain situations.