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Cultural background

My background starts in Zuidlaren. This is where I was born and raised.

I have been able to see many things of the world and experience different things. From an early age we have always celebrated Sinterklaas, something I always look forward to. Because of the possibilities that we got, I was able to take swimming lessons and subsequently obtain a lot of diplomas. The national holidays were also most celebrated with us. Think of King's Day, where all streets turn orange and everyone celebrates that we are proud of our country. For me, the orange colour and the Dutch flag are something that I am proud of. 

The most important things in my culture are mainly the holidays, the Dutch flag and symbols and of course sports. From football to skating, the Netherlands is a rich sporting country.     

I am also a fanatic athlete, and the opportunities my culture has given me have meant that I have been able to try many sports and am fanatic in everything I do. I started playing hockey when I was four because my father and sister both played hockey, and never stopped. Besides hockey I do many other sports and I look for new sports to try out.

The cultural aspects that I have learned from home are walking, reading, sports, photography, traveling, visiting museums and zoos and a lot of other things.

Examples of this are that I always go to a memorial with my mother on May 4. On holiday’s we try to see as many cultural things as possible. For example, we went to Omaha-o-beach when I was a small child, but that is still something that has made a big impression on me.

My parents also told me how beautiful the Netherlands is. They showed us many things, and taught us many things. I believe that far too many people in the Netherlands know too little about the history and culture.

The sports culture I have inherited can be deduced from my P&E model. Sport and exercise have always been important to our family. This is not only about sports itself, but also about attending sports matches and events. Through these opportunities I have found my passion and I know what makes me happy.