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Burden of proof - PLO 12.2

Name of proof

To what learning outcome does the proof refer

Describe shortly what the proof is

Book list

PLO 12.2

List of books that I read in order to improve my knowledge and a list of books with reviews and what I learned of the book.

Flyer Grotius Program

PLO 12.2

Flyer of the Grotius Program and an explanation of what it means and what the idea is of the Grotius Program.

Honours Badge Lab 1: The Value of Sports

PLO 12.2

During the first lab of the honours program, I was able to develop myself in areas of where I normally don't have enough time for. 

Personal Development Plan Year 1

PLO 12.2

The PDP I wrote for my first year of Sport Studies.

Flyer Physical Activity and Lifestyle (PAL)

PLO 12.2

The flyer of the PAL program that I followed together with Sophie.