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Learning objectives block 2

When I look the reflection that I made after block 1 and after my own experiences during the first block, there are some things I would like to improve in the upcoming block.

One of the points I want to improve during the upcoming block is that I want to improve my level of English. I can say that during the first block I already started working on this point and improved it already, but not enough to make me feel comfortable in writing documents and writing messages to my classmates.

One of the other point I want to improve during the upcoming block is paying attention in the lectures. Sometimes the days where so long, and my energy level was so high that I couldn’t sit on my place anymore. I can relate this to the fact that we came in a total-lockdown and I am a person who needs exercises and sport to loose my energy level. So when the total-lockdown came in, I found it hard to pay attention during the whole day. Luckily my mother works at a primary school and got my some helpful accessories that I could use when I felt that I wanted to move. I want to use these things during the upcoming block.

The last thing I want to improve is not being insecure about my personal knowledge and trust on my own qualities. I have trouble with that, and always think I didn’t do enough and later regret myself the fact that I didn’t fully paid attention during classes. So I thin the second point and this point make a combination of both learning objectives.