PLO 12.2

Learning outcome 12.2:
The student is able to compile and execute his own professional personal development plan on the basis of collected information from others for the short and long term in sport (training)world.
When we started with this education, I never thought that we had to reflect on ourselves so much. But what I have learned already, is that the most important way of getting to know yourself right is reflecting on yourself and your environment to be able to develop yourself. One thing that I started during the first block, was writing an diary.
I started with this because I thought it would help me reflect on how I am developing and what I still have to work on. Normally I always thought about how the training should look like, even after the training itself, but I have never actually done anything with it. Now that I have started writing a diary, I can already say that this has helped me to look at the developments within a team but also the development of myself as a trainer. The diary of oct. can be found under 'burden of proof'.
One of the things I've learned, looking back on the journal and my own thoughts, is that in front of a group of hockey players I am very confident because I know what I want to teach them and because I know I can teach them something too. But what comes with it is that afterwards I am very insecure because I am always afraid that I did not do something completely right and that the training could be better.
This is also very well visible in my personality test, which I did for the study. The personality test can be found under the heading ‘about me’. The personality test shows that I have a fluctuating self-esteem, that I am over-critical and that I am very sensitive to what others think of me. This is something I have to work on if I want to become better as a trainer but also as a sports professional. Fortunately, I have already taken the first step in this process, by signing up for HT3. This shows that I want to work on my trainer skills and also my self-esteem. I plan to continue writing my diary, so that at the end of the study I have a complete diary where I can see what has changed or not.
In order to be able to make my personal development plan, I wanted to know what I mean for my fellow students and what I mean for the children I train or help give training. I have done this by asking some fellow students with whom I have worked a lot, if they would like to answer a number of questions. An example of one of the questions is, 'how did I help you develop?'
One of the answers that was given the most was that I helped my fellow students with the fact that I am very organized and helped them become organized as well. For example what Dan said about me: 'After speaking to Kaelin in our first coaching buddy session, I noticed that she often wrote down notes, kept track of our meetings and always seemed to have everything necessary ready at hand. In a way, she inspired me to be more organized because I started keeping more track of my assignments, and be more organized with note-taking. ' What is funny about this is that I have also named this as one of my qualities in my list of qualities.
If we look at what the problems and challenges in the sports world are at the moment, I didn’t had to think about it for long. As the easiest example we can take COVID-19, in which a lot of people and children are increasingly sitting at home and exercise much less. To ensure that these people do not develop health problems, we have to come up with something to helps to get people moving again. At the Sport & Techinal framework course, I immediately tried to come up with something for this together with Muiris, so that people can exercise at home, for example. The video of our little lecture can be found under ‘burden of proof – PLO 12.1’. In the future I would like to help children and adults to move and give every child a fair chance to be able to play sports. An example of this is the Cruyff Foundation. With the phrase 'if you can do something for someone else, you have to do that' Johan Cruyff managed to inspire me. More of such examples can be found on the site of the Cruyff foundation.
Another point is that I would like to convey my opinion about certain topics more often. Something what we had to try by writing an essay about an ethical dilemma. In order to convey my opinion and ideas to others, I need to become more confident and less critical. The combination of these points will help me to progress in my process as a sports professional and future expert. Because if there is one thing that I want to do in my live is that, that I want is to help other people who don't have the options I have. I would like to learn to express my opinion in order to help other people. To achieve that, I must first become more confident about my own abilities.
For my personal development plan I thought of 2 learning goals that I want to achieve before the end of the first year. Both learning goals are things that I came up when I was writing my reflections, my PLO's and the other documents that can be found in my portfolio. One of there learnings goals is that I want to become more confident about myself and my own knowledge. The other learning goal is the point that I am over-critical and most of the times not happy with the results I have achieved. The whole explanation of these learning goals, how and when I want to achieve this goals can be found under the button 'Personal Development Plan'.
I have included all these points when I started on writing my own personal development plan. I believe that, when I look back on this at the end of my study, the points of my personal development plan and following this study have contributed to my development as a sports professional and as a person. My personal development plan can be found under 'about me'.
Go to burden of proof – PLO 12.2 to find the different documents.