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PLO 11.2

Learning outcome 11.2:
The student can indicate on the basis of (international) developments in the discipline of the sportsman in which further personal development is desirable and possible.

The possibilities of working within the world of sports is endless. Not only national, but also international. Within three year I will graduate from this study and after that I can call myself a sports professional. This means that I have gained knowledge in the three different values of the world of sports. The health, economic and social values. These values are important for the whole world, and almost every job has an connection with one of these values.

In addition, sport is a part of society, which will always remain important and will always continue to develop. For example, now look at COVID-19 in combination with sports. If we people find something important that just keeps going, it is sports competitions. Not only by play the sports yourself, but also by watching the matches on TV and preferably just in a stadium. If we then look for the combination of the three values ​​of sport, it is not that difficult. Look at economics, for example. The transfers in football are getting bigger, the sponsor deals in cycling just keep coming and so on. Even in times of COVID-19, we people continue to consider sports so important that we will raise money for sports clubs that are having a hard time, even if we don't get to see a match. Sport is in our blood and that should continue at all costs. So it turns out, sports creates economical value.

In addition, sport is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. Just look at times of corona again. For the Sport & Technical Framework course, together with Muiris, I looked at the effect of corona on the movement of people because sports clubs were closed during corona. The results can be found in the video under 'Burden of proof - PLO 12.1'. I also discussed solutions to encourage people to exercise in the case that we had to deal with for the matching day. Various studies have shown that people with a smartwatch start to exercise more and therefore live a healthier life. The results of that difference can be found under 'Burden of proof - PLO 11.2'.

In addition, sport has the influence to strengthen and change the social cohesion in a society. Another example with COVID-19. Look at all the actions people have taken to support their local sports clubs and so cooperation has been encouraged. Or think of unity in the Olympics when your own country wins a medal. Magnificent.

My personal ambition is to become someone in this world who helps other people and have a positive influence on the world. In want to work myself up to a high function at the KNHB or NOC*NSF. In this companies, I want to make a difference and help the persons who are having problems with sporting but also helping persons to become a better version of themselves and be an example and inspiration for people of all ages. In this way I hope to help people moving and show them my passion about what I do and in this way be their inspiration. When we look at the problems in this world at the moment, we can see that people don’t move enough and that something has to change in order to help people to become more healthier. I am very inspired by the Cruyff court and what inspiration this is to so many people.

My dream job, and everything that comes with it in the world of sports, is so broad that I would like to develop myself in all branches of sport to keep my options as broad as possible. Fortunately, many of these components are covered during this study and I have plenty of opportunities to acquire this knowledge. In addition, we had to make a poster during Sport & Identity, about what steps are needed to make my ambition a reality. A photo of this poster can be found under 'burden of proof - PLO 11.2'.

What I have also started with, is creating a large number of connections on LinkedIn. I have only just started with that, but I have reached a large number of people already. I also keep a close eye on the news about sports, as shown under burden of proof, and I try to stay up to date with all developments in the world of sports. Next year I will also start with a high hockey course, also called HT3. You can find out what this means for my personal development under burden of proof. In addition, I have to be more self-assured and less critical in order to develop as a sports professional and to achieve my dreams. You can read how and why in my personal development plan.