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6. Development

Part of the student's assignment is the development of the FC Groningen Foundation. This is an ongoing process, with various tasks and actions spread throughout the year.

The development of the policy and strategy of the Foundation is mainly done in collaboration with Ingmar de Vries and Simon Cageling, but also with other interns. The development is different for each program and requires a different approach. In addition, the Theory of Change and Theory of Action are the basis of the development, and these points are also taken into account in the plans for the coming years. The student's role varied depending on the task. For example, the student provided mainly support in the development of the Scholentour, but took on a leadership role in the Theory of Change and Theory of Action.



Development FC Groningen in de Maatschappij

·       Trainen in de Wijk

o   Session with target group

o   Organisation of the day

o   Guiding interns

o   Leading session

o   Networking

·       Scholentour

o   Multiple development sessions

o   Helping other intern in his development

o   Giving feedback for the plans for the Scholentour

·       FC Groningen in de Maatschappij

o   Theory of Change

o   Theory of Action

o   Congresses & Symposia

o   Networking

o   Reading articles

o   Knowledges updates ‘Kenniscentrum sport & bewegen’

o   Development of new presentation



At the beginning of the year, the student was involved in designing and conducting inspiration sessions with the target group of the "Trainen in de Wijk" program. In these sessions, children aged 10/15 were given the opportunity to brainstorm ideas for the program. This was done through a tour, a group activity, and separate group sessions, which had to be prepared in advance. The first kick-off was a week before the session with all involved. Since the student was not directly involved in this program, she wanted to leave the leadership to the interns who had a specific task for this. However, since these were first and second-year students, the student was happy to support where necessary and help with any questions. Together with a second-year student, the student took the lead in one of the group sessions.

On the day of the session, the student noticed that many things were not well-organized by the students and that there was still quite a bit to be done. Together with Ingmar, the student took the lead in organizing these things, such as making name tags and properly allocating spaces with all necessary materials. After the opening, the student led the tour through the stadium. She had done this before, so she could easily tell the story and show the highlights. After the tour, it was time for the group session. During the session, the student took the lead and supported another student where necessary. This was mainly because the other student was a bit insecure and had asked the student to take the lead. After the first round, he took the lead and the student was there to support him. She also asked follow-up questions to the target group to gather more input than just the standard questions. After the session, the student was allowed to choose a student who would be suitable to briefly tell his experience of the day. He was quite nervous, so the student tried to put him at ease by chatting with him in a light-hearted way. This worked, and he gave a good interview.


The student was also involved in the development of the Scholentour program on several occasions. This was due to the development of the Theory of Action, but also because of the internship assignment of one of the other interns. At times he struggled, and the student offered to help him with the development sessions he had planned. She gave feedback on his ideas and helped him to better present his goals for the sessions. Additionally, the student was present at the development sessions and was able to provide input.

In addition to program-level development, most of the student's assignment is part of the ongoing development of the FC Groningen Foundation. The student takes the lead in the Theory of Change and the Theory of Action, has attended conferences and symposia, and is enrolled in knowledge updates from the "Kenniscentrum Sport & Bewegen". The role of the student here is to take leadership in various areas and adopt an investigative attitude.


The result of all these points is that there was a successful session for Trainen in de Wijk, in which the student played a good role. This session has ensured that more of these sessions will be planned for multiple programs in the future. Additionally, a reflection took place afterwards and a report was created outlining points that could be improved for next time. This will ensure that such sessions can be executed even better in the future. The other interns created the report, after which the student went through the report and made sure that certain formatting and spelling errors were removed from the document. The day generated a lot of positive reactions from the students, teachers, and social media accounts. The student did well in organizing and guiding such a day. The involvement in the developments within the Scholentour program ensured that the development sessions could be carried out well, and that the final details were well thought out by the other intern. The involvement in the developments within the Foundation resulted in the student being able to gain important insights and also be of certain value. The developments have resulted in internal reconsideration of certain things. The student's role felt natural, and this role gave the student a lot of energy.


Looking back on the development session with the target group, the student can be satisfied with the result. Additionally, the student had made a conscious choice to let other interns take the lead, so that she could see where their strengths lay and where she could still add value. This also took some extra work off her plate. On the day itself, the student had some regrets about this decision because certain points were not well-organized, which the student and one of the employees fixed before the session started. However, this was also a good learning experience for the other interns, and the student is glad she did not take all the work away from them. This is something the student can sometimes do, which ultimately leads to extra work for her, while others can handle it just as well. This is the part of letting go, which the student occasionally struggles with because she wants everything to be of good quality, and she realizes that this is not the standard for everyone. By letting go in certain areas, but still keeping an eye on things, the student is starting to develop in this aspect. Additionally, the student is happy that with the contribution she was able to make to the developments currently taking place within the Foundation. Since she was asked at the beginning if she wanted to take on a challenge, she was closely involved in the developments from the start of her internship and wanted to show her best side. Sometimes, the student could have taken a step back to reflect on what has been achieved so far, but she did not really take the time for this throughout the year. This is also something that came up during feedback moments - sometimes the student can be proud of what she has already accomplished instead of only looking towards the future.